Power_electronics Features

Comparing N-Channel and P-Channel MOSFETs: Which is best for your application?
This article compares the n-channel and p-channel power MOSFETs, introduces the complete Littelfuse p-channel power MOSFETs portfolio, and explores target applications.
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AC/DC power factor correction module offers up to 1,512W
A full brick package developed by TDK-Lambda, the PF1500B-360, is for high voltage distributed power architectures
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Power Electronics Europe News
Pressure sensor IC is stable over wide temperature range
The BM1383GLV piezo-resistive pressure sensors from Rohm Semiconductor have a built-in temperature correction function for pressure accuracy and stable measurement at both low and high temperatures, claims Rohm Semiconductor. The sensor uses the company’s MEMs technology, whereby the piezo-resistive sensing element outputs a signal which is proportional with the atmospheric pressure. This signal is processed by an integrated logic using proprietary algorithms for pressure information which is stable over the full temperature range of -40 to 85°C. The low power sensor has an I²C interface to access measurement results in any kind of mobile or battery driven application. For instance, the sensor can detect differences in height (altitude) through pressure changes and capture movement data, all required in wearable devices, activity monitors, altimeters and advanced detection for indoor navigation in smartphones and tablets. The 2.5 x 2.5 x 0.95mm package handles a wide pressure range of 300 to 1100hPA. Supply voltage is 1.71 to 3.6V, with an average current of 5uA. Samples are available now.

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