Power_electronics Features

Comparing N-Channel and P-Channel MOSFETs: Which is best for your application?
This article compares the n-channel and p-channel power MOSFETs, introduces the complete Littelfuse p-channel power MOSFETs portfolio, and explores target applications.
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AC/DC power factor correction module offers up to 1,512W
A full brick package developed by TDK-Lambda, the PF1500B-360, is for high voltage distributed power architectures
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Power Electronics Europe News
High-Current GaN FETs

At PCIM Europe, GaN Systems (hall 9-511) exhibits GaN transistors such as the 100 V, 120 A, 5 mΩ GaN E-HEMT device, the highest current and power efficient 100 V GaN power transistor and 120 A, 650 V, 12 mΩ GaN E-HEMT. A new virtual Circuit Simulation Tool that allows design engineers to evaluate GaN Systems’ devices in a variety of topologies and compare application conditions before hardware or system construction. Featuring a simple and intuitive interface, an engineer can quickly and easily tune parameters to suit their design goals and see the results in real time. New reference designs to ease any design challenge, including a 190W LLC PFC adapter reference design, optocoupler reference design from Broadcom, and low DCR, high frequency controllers from Analog Devices. A 3 kW evaluation kit for high-efficiency power systems for data center, automotive, and energy storage system applications. This evaluation kit enables power engineers to quickly take full advantage of GaN power transistors in designing improved and novel power systems.



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