Power_electronics Features

Comparing N-Channel and P-Channel MOSFETs: Which is best for your application?
This article compares the n-channel and p-channel power MOSFETs, introduces the complete Littelfuse p-channel power MOSFETs portfolio, and explores target applications.
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AC/DC power factor correction module offers up to 1,512W
A full brick package developed by TDK-Lambda, the PF1500B-360, is for high voltage distributed power architectures
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Power Electronics Europe News
Infineon targets EVs with two EasyPACK modules with CoolSiC MOSFETs

The Easy 1B and Easy 2B EasyPACK modules integrate the company’s CoolSiC MOSFETs for use in EVs (full and hybrid models) and uninterrupted power supplies.

The power modules are available in two topologies to increase systems’ efficiency for reduced cooling and higher frequency operation.

The Easy 1B module integrates the four-pack topology (F4-23MR12W1M1_B11) and is designed to serve the DC/DC stage of the charging station. The Easy 2B (F3L15MR12W2M1_B69) holds a three-level configuration that suits the Vienna rectifier usually implemented for the power factor correction (PFC) stage. The modules can be used in combination for 50 or 60kW EV charging.

The EasyPACK standard package for power modules is claimed to have industry-leading low stray inductance which helps building up stacked modules for charging which can go up to 120 or 150kW. An NTC temperature sensor is also featured in the modules to monitor the device while the PressFIT technology reduces assembly time for mounting the device.

Both modules are available to order now.

Easy CoolSiC MOSFETs can be ordered now.


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