MHz switching frequency-based devices enable miniaturization of the DC-DC converter and EMI filters
Achieving EMI conducted emission compliance for automobiles with a single stage filter. By Nicola Rosano, Sr. Strategic FA/System Engineer at Vicor
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A full brick package developed by TDK-Lambda, the PF1500B-360, is for high voltage distributed power architectures
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It is for use in medical laser equipment from cosmetic to general surgery procedures which require power supplies to deliver very high peak energy levels to the laser or discharge tubes. This repetitive, high peak energy generates electromagnetic radiation and line disturbance which can jepoardise patient and operator safety.
Laser devices usually have less than a millisecond pulse width, whether it uses pulsed CO2 or Erbium YAG lasers, UltraPulse (a very short pulse duration with high pulse power and very high influence) or SuperPulse (medium pulse duration with medium pulse power) technologies. This means that the equipment is very fast firing, requiring the power supply to be able to deliver high energy levels during the pulse, but also able to restore energy for the next one. The 2.25kW AC/DC capacitor charger SMM3000A80024C complies with the medical safety standard IEC60601-1 3rd and provides a level of protection, primary to secondary main output of 2xMOOP (means of operator protection) and 2xMOPP (means of patient protection) to auxiliary output. To accommodate different capacitor banks and applications, the output voltage can be adjusted from zero to 800V DC (600V DC nominal) with an output current of 5.5A at nominal.
An automatic current controller ensures the power envelope is always within safe limits, reducing capacitor ageing and overstressing of components. An integral microprocessor constantly monitors the charging status, reporting end of charge and discharge level, as well as all protection warnings due to abnormal operation such as over-temperature, over-voltage and current.
To reduce line disturbances there is a high efficiency power factor corrector (PFC), soft-start circuitry, filtering and is housed in a six-sided shielded case. To minimise audible noise, the fans are thermo-controlled, regulating speed to the minimum required for normal, safe operation.
An auxiliary output voltage of 24V DC reduces the need for an additional power supply to power laser controller and interfaces. For additional power, the SMM3000A80024C can be connected in parallel.
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